Saturday, December 21, 2019

American Plant Christmas Decorations

I was always the one to badger my parents to get the Christmas tree. It was usually my dad and I who went to get it and do most of the decorating. It was always around my birthday - mid December. I usually decorate every year - particularly when we lived in the Midwest. Every room and the outside had something that reminded you of the season. A lot of the greenery and sticks were cut from our backyard! We left most of that behind when we moved to DC thirteen years ago. Since then, I’ve used a wall vase and stuffed it with greens and added some lights. I usually mix up the real stuff with the fake and save the fake to be recycled again. Since we have been visiting with our family out of town the last few years, we have done less and less decorating. But this year we are having guests over this evening before we go out for dinner and I didn’t want our new home in northern Virginia to look too “grinchy!” We are also in a furniture transition where half of our new furniture won’t get here until January - so the couch in the living room is really the sofa bed that belongs in the den. So we went to American plant on Thursday to pick up some twigs and greenery. Then I dug out my Christmas box to find the old garland with lights, and some red stuff and birds to add a bit of color to the mix. The plant stand in the dining room has a large vase that was packed with seasonal items. The Santa Claus was placed there too. The wall vase was filled with the different variety of greens, and the pine cones and birds were added. Of course, the stocking my mother made when I was a baby always goes somewhere. I can’t believe how old it is! So for forty five minutes we will put on the battery operated lights and hope our guests like the little bit of holiday cheer we managed to put together this year. Once all is said and done, it is kinda nice after all. 

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