Saturday, September 30, 2023

Wine Again?

For as long as I can remember we always had a half glass of red wine every evening. We still have a small wine rack in the dining room that houses a few bottles from a variety of places. We even started to order a case of our favorite wine every few months from Total Wine. It was cheaper than buying a bottle here and there at the grocery store. But half way through the pandemic we just decided to stop. I’m not really sure why - we just did. I haven’t really thought much about it - except every week when I’m dusting and brush off the bottles. For whatever reason this week we thought it might be a good idea to have a glass of wine before dinner - just like we used to. So I asked my husband to pull a bottle out. He reached to the bottom of the pile and found Los Vascos. It is from Chile from 2008. For no particular reason I asked him to look up the price to see if it’s changed in fifteen years. It was only eleven dollars - no difference at all. That just goes to show you that some things don’t change over time. So I uncorked the bottle and poured our usual half glass. Then we had a toast. This is the first time I actually could taste the difference from what is our usual flavor - and I can honestly say I didn’t care for it. But we will finish the bottle off over the next few days. There is something nice about sipping wine before dinner - even though I never really cared for the taste. Should we get any replacement bottles? I’m not so sure. 

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