Saturday, December 29, 2018

YiHung Stainless Steel Straws

Whenever we go out to a restaurant we prefer to drink from a straw - with the exception of wine! There has been a lot of press lately on the issue of plastic straws and the effect on the environment. So that prompted me to look on line to see what types of reusable straws were out there. It goes along with my husband’s general philosophy to bring along our own reusable leftover containers rather than collect whatever the restaurant has. It is a pain in the “b” but it is not a bad idea. For that purpose we got a few ziplock plastic light weight containers at the grocery store. So I found some stainless steel various sized straws on Amazon - made in China of course. It is a pack of eight - some straight, some bent - along with two cleaning brushes. They also come with different color silicon tips so everyone can claim their own favorite color. It seems we haven’t yet needed to use them because straws are still being provided in most places, or I simply didn’t have them on me when we needed them. Anyway, it seemed like a good idea. I’m sure we will have an opportunity to use them. We’ll just need to make sure we remember to clean them after each use. 

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