Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Tulip and Carnation Wall Vase - Round Two

I love to have flowers in the house. To that end we have a wall vase that we use for every season. When the flowers in the garden bloom I will use them - if they aren’t I’ll still use the twigs and leaves to add a bit of texture to the mix. A few weeks ago I got a combination of yellow carnations with matching tulips at the grocery store. Over the week or more that it lasted, I photographed the progress of the tulips. When they were spent the carnations were still looking good. So we replenished the wallvase with another bunch of tulips - but this time they were yellow. I also photographed the progress of that display. Now they are all done and unfortunately had to be thrown away. I did however keep a few of the greens and the dusty miller. It doesn’t look like anything special but it’s better than nothing. I’m just too lazy to see what’s outside in the garden today. There’s always something to pick from - even in winter. 

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