Monday, March 27, 2023

52Frames Music Weekly Photo Challenge

The 52Frames photo challenge this week was “music.” I had nothing specific in mind - all I know is we don’t have anything musical in the house. I could only think of my husband whistling and clicking his fingers. I knew I’d never get close enough to a bird. However, we did have bird salt and pepper shakers and I had an idea for a composite art/photo image. Photos of the birds were taken from two different angles and another photo of my finger. Then the bird and finger images were isolated and added to the procreate app. Two more birds were duplicated and added to the scene so the end result was one black bird facing three white birds - all sitting on my finger. The background was painted blue and the notes and bird feet were added. Only the finger was shown - the rest of the hand was removed. I used to have a parakeet who did all sorts of tricks and he sat on my finger when I called to him. You could say this exercise reminded me of him and all of the music he made. When we went in to town we decided to visit the “Entertainment” exhibit at the Smithsonian American History Museum not knowing what we might find there. We really hadn’t planned to go there and went on a whim. In fact I wasn’t even thinking of this project until after we got home. I had taken a photo of Prince’s yellow guitar. So I created another photo/art image using the guitar and sketching Prince playing it. I rather liked it, but it was more of a sketch than a photo so I decided not to use that one. I’m sure I stretched the limits of what a photo has to be for the challenge. But it’s nice to stretch the limits sometimes. Now I’ve found a new way to incorporate digitalart and photos. 

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