Thursday, August 31, 2023

The Inchworm

While on our walk in the neighborhood park this morning we literally ran in to a tiny caterpillar hanging suspended from a tree on a string waving about in the breeze. It was moving about so much that I couldn’t get a clear photo of it. At the time we really didn’t know what it was. Then we started a query with google while we were having brunch and learned that it was an inchworm. Just hearing the name made me think about Danny Kaye. When we were youngsters we had the album Hans Christian Andersen and there was a song on it that was called The Inch Worm. I remember the song and the words to this day. That, along with many other Danny Kaye songs, were a part of our childhood. And I thank my parents for introducing us to these classic songs and stories. So when I played the song today it brought back so many memories and was very nostalgic. It brought tears to my eyes - and I’m not supposed to have water in my eyes after cataract surgery! When I worked at the Library of Congress there was a Danny Kaye display commemorating his work and I saw his daughter being interviewed there. We also attended a program about Danny Kaye and she was part of a question and answer portion. Music was always a big part of our lives. I’m glad we had the opportunity to experience these treasures. What an interesting way to be reminded of them. 

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