Friday, August 4, 2023

Kleenex Folded Paper Towels from Amazon

It has been a very long time since we bought paper towels. During the pandemic we decided to get folded paper towels that sit in a container because it was just easier to deal with all of the hand washing and cleaning needs. We set an acrylic container up in the bathroom and one in the kitchen. But over time we thought it was just easier to use them instead of the rolled paper towels. To that end we purchased a container of the Kleenex towels through Amazon. We got the sixteen packs per carton which is why they have lasted so long. They have been stored on the top shelf of the kitchen cabinet. We were down to the last one so it was time to reorder. They arrived yesterday along with a couple of other items that we routinely get - aside from the replacement baseball cap that my husband needed. So we unpacked and put all of the towels again on the shelf. I don’t expect we will need to order them again for quite some time. For these sorts of items I wish we had a pantry in the kitchen or at least some storage options. I have often thought about using the den for things like this but that would mean reconfiguring the space which is probably not essential anyway. So much for an abundance of paper towels. But it’s well worth it.  

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