Sunday, February 11, 2024

Florida State vs Virginia Basketball

I use to tutor Florida State basketball players - way back in the day when FSU was the number two school in the country. I didn’t realize it at the time, but not a lot of people could say that they had the entire basketball team and some of the coaches over to their house after a tournament. I can’t imagine what my parents thought! Long after I graduated I got free seats right behind the bench when FSU played Marquette in the Midwest. In college, I knew all of the players and coaches and never missed a game. I still have fond memories of it all. So last night when we were fumbling around trying to find a TV show to watch we landed on a sports channel. And FSU was playing UVA. Now I had two reasons to watch at least a bit of it. Our grandson goes to UVA - so it was worth seeing which team was winning. I could tell right away who would most likely win after watching a bit of the first half. We tuned in to something else at the half, and this morning I looked up the score. UVA won by four points - which is what they were winning by when we were watching. It was fun to see the arena where they were playing in Tallahassee - with the garnet and gold everywhere and hearing the familiar chants lead by the band. Our venue back then was about the size of a high school gym and I always sat right across from the bench facing all of the players. What an interesting and fun time that was. 

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