Tuesday, January 7, 2020

iPad Pro Oops

I have treasured each and every one of my iPhones and iPads - and I have had several. We not only have them for my husband and myself, we got one (now two) for my mother and two more for overseas friends. I had the first iPad when it was introduced and now use it for all of my digital art custom pet portraits. I am now on my fourth iPad. This one is an iPad Pro that I got because the Art app I was using was not compatible with an updated operating system. The new version seemed too difficult to self teach. So I took the summer to reintroduce myself to the app Procreate, and relearn my digital art skills on the new iPad Pro. I liked the bigger canvas and the size hasn’t been an issue - except when we travel I need to bring my largest purse to fit it in. For all of my devices I always got a warranty, but for whatever reason I did get one not for the iPad Pro. And wouldn’t you know... while on a trip last month we stayed at a hotel with stone floors. While I was getting up from the couch my iPhone strap somehow got entangled with the iPad and it came crashing down to the hard floor. Of course the corner was dented, and the glass was also affected. I was so upset and put a band aid on the glass to keep it in check. Luckily the small section of shattered glass was in the corner and within the black edge of the screen - so it wouldn’t affect viewing anything or drawing anything. As long as the unit continued to operate I was reconciled to the fact that I now had broken glass on a six month old iPad. The band aid was replaced with tape. I had a feeling when I got the case for it that the iPad was not completely protected because the sides were left exposed so the Apple pen could adhere to it. I always prided myself in taking such good care of my Apple products. So much for that. 

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