Sunday, March 10, 2013

Early Spring in DC

It was a simply beautiful day today and there was nothing that could stop us from taking a walk. We had a mission in mind - the Sackler Gallery - to see the the Cyrus Cylinder. But along the way over and on the way back I could not help but notice that Spring is really in the air. The tour buses are filling up with their windows wide open, anyone who has allergies is beginning to notice, when we walk we have to take off our coats, and my husband put the solar birdbath back in commission on our patio to the delight of our feathered friends. I was more enhanced by the indications that another season was trying to make it's way in - in spite of the snow forecast from last week - than to go inside a dark and dreary museum. I feel like a caged animal when I'm stuck inside and know the sun is out. The little daffodil and crocus bulbs are popping up, the flowering magnolia trees need only another couple days to burst open, and all the buds, blooms, and flowers outshine the Washington landmarks tenfold. Nothing can surpass nature's beauty, and every year I'm just happy I am able to still enjoy it all. As for the Cyrus Cylinder - that's another story.

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