Sunday, March 15, 2015

Rebel Mouse - I Need Some Help!

I'm usually pretty good about getting connected on a variety of social media applications. On my google blog I figured out how to get them all linked. On my business Facebook page - it took awhile - but I got YouTube and everything else attached. Within the last month I added Instagram and Tumblr to the mix. It's a full time job keeping these things updated. I only do it because I actually enjoy it and I like to share not only my digital art, but whatever I happen to come across daily in Washington DC. I get no help from anyone, and just work at it until I think I get it right. So when I stumbled across Rebel Mouse, it sounded like a great way to get all this junk on to one site. Since Thursday I have been trying to figure out how this thing really works because all I'm seeing now are items that are tweeted and not much else. It's not a very intuitive site for me and the frustration is building. As with all the initial set ups and transactions, an email verification is typical. But with Rebel Mouse, they keep sending frequent emails to invite friends. But I can't even get the thing to look or behave like I would like it to. I'm not inviting anyone to look at it until it at least does what it should. Maybe this is one item I will eventually dump simply because I can't figure it out. Maybe that's not such a bad idea. 

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