Saturday, May 13, 2023

Hinge Health Update

As a part of my health care plan there is an option to join an exercise app. So I did join - about seven months ago. We already walk every morning for over two miles and I do a bit of cardio exercise five days a week in the afternoon for about 20-25 minutes. But these Hinge health exercises are done following specific instructions. At first I used the sensors but found them to be more annoying than helpful. So lately I’ve been just following the app without the sensors. You are also assigned a coach who checks in with you every once in a while and offers encouragement and answers questions via text messaging. Since I had a bit of lower back pain - but only at night and if I sleep on my back - I selected the exercises related to back pain. That meant there were exercises that didn’t help my right knee that also has been periodically aggravated over the last few years. It just occurred to me that I’ve been at this now for seven months because I was just sent another badge of honor. Has this approach helped? I’m not sure. In some ways I think so if only because the exercises are different from what I was doing, including using a yoga mat which I never did before. You are supposed to do it at least three times a week and I have been quite consistent. If nothing else I feel better about doing it but don’t necessarily look forward to it. Many times it feels like Groundhog Day - over and over and over. So I’ll keep doing it until who knows when. It’s probably a good idea. 

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