Monday, January 7, 2013

Thanks DC Blogs

I've been entering daily updates to my blog "LIT's Living on Capitol Hill-Hell" for a couple of years now. My poor husband is driven nuts driving me or walking with me to capture just the right photos that accompany each entry. And it is always such a treat to be noticed by DC Blogs. So today I want to thank DC Blogs again for noticing my update about Inauguration Preparations. I don't know if I would have even had the notion to do a blog if we still lived in Milwaukee since the reason for initiating it was to draw attention to the stark differences between here and there. We visited DC all the time before we moved here. But actually living in the city is something entirely different than spending just a few days here and there. In spite of all the sometimes ridiculous things we run in to, we wouldn't have it, or want it, any other way. I have a feeling I will never run out of material to comment on. And that's a good thing.

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