Monday, October 4, 2021


This week I needed to think of a photo for the subject matter “dreamscape,” and extra credit would be “nightmare.” The first thing that came to mind was the light tunnel in the National Gallery of Art that connects the east to the west side underground. So we drove in to town, parked on the national mall, and started our morning walk. We have been going to the gallery so often lately they must know us by now. Anyway, we immediately headed to the tunnel and I took several images. We then went to the west end of the building where a lot of religious paintings reside, along with medieval type things. Not being impressed, we then went to Napoleon’s portrait and my husband was a willing onlooker. The Iranian artist Avish Khebrehzadeh’s exhibit Seven Silent Sings was also a great place for some options. Again my husband willingly stood in front of the animals passing by in the animated and mysterious exhibit. That looked really promising. Then we walked over to the Library of Congress. Why? I worked there for ten years and oftentimes have “nightmares” about having to go back to work - not just there, but at the health care places I worked for thirty years. In fact, I had a nightmare last night about this exact thing. So I used the panorama function on my iPhone, but followed a crooked line to create a messy building. That ended up being the submission this week. It looked interesting - and spooky - and met the challenge. One of these days the Napoleon portrait should be used for something - just not this time. 

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