Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Changing the Balcony Flower Baskets

It’s that time of year again. The balcony coco lined flower baskets need an update. The summer annuals are fading. Luckily the ivy and the liriope continue to do well. We planted them last year in late fall and they survived the winter and did well all year. So we took a ride to American Plant to find some winter pansies that would last in to the holiday season. With that in mind we found six white, yellow, and red/yellow plants. It was harder to remove the annuals than I thought it would be - but I should have left the gerbera daisy intact. It might have survived the winter, but I didn’t give it a chance to find out. That makes me disappointed! It also filled an empty space in the basket. Anyway, I ended up pulling out the old, then planting the new pansies. The baskets are tied to the back of the love seat and chair because we can’t have anything hanging from the balcony rails. Once the cushions are removed for the season we turn the chairs outward so the flowers face us in the living room. When Christmas comes we add the traditional greens and sticks. So for now the flowers look nice. I may cut an ivy and root it to fill in the blank space. The seasons come and go faster than ever. I’m not sure I like that. 

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