Sunday, October 3, 2021

McLean Project for the Arts Art Fest

We’ve been to the torpedo factory, and the art festival on King Street in Old Town Alexandria. When we lived on Capitol Hill eastern market was filled with art and other vendors selling their wares every weekend. But today was the first time we went to an art festival in our new neighborhood in northern Virginia. Obviously last year all of this was canceled due to the pandemic. It was a different story this year and a beautiful day for it. We first took our usual morning walk around the block, and then ventured over to the Central Park where the tents were set up for the show. It was already starting to get busy at ten in the morning. There was a section for children’s art, and a jazzy band ensemble at the bandstand primarily made up of high school students. We meandered our way through the area observing mostly the people who were selling, but also the passers by. We never buy anything at these affairs - it’s just not something we do. We never buy souvenirs when we travel either. Someone asked me why I wouldn’t want to sell my art at these types of events. I prefer the digital format, and hard copies are just not something I’m interested in. The internet is my platform and the merchandise is available to a world wide audience. Regardless, it was a nicely set up festival and extremely charming all the way around. Most importantly, there was a sense of normalcy - almost. 

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