Monday, March 6, 2017

Amazon Create Space Children's Books

I wrote and illustrated three children's books - one about a tiny fish, another about a trip to Washington DC, and a third about a parent/child separation. All of the stories were inspired by my two grandsons. I self published the books with Amazon's Create Space, and they are all available on Amazon in both Kindle and large text soft copy book formats. I was recently asked if I would like to donate to the Payne Elementary school auction. So I did. I donated twelve digitalart images of the Washington DC and Capitol Hill neighborhood that I digitally painted using my iPad; a custom pet portrait; and a set of my children's books. But I only had one copy of the Four Promises, and needed to replace it once it was donated. I like to keep at least two copies of all my books on hand for whatever reason. What's nice about Create Space is that it is on demand publishing, and I can get copies of my books for much less than what I would pay for on line. So I ordered up a few copies and they arrived within three days. I'm still not sure how I was able to accomplish it, but I am very proud of these three little books. So if you are you are looking for some sweet stories about little boys, fish, and Washington DC, please check out the Payne Elementary School auction and make a bid!

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