Sunday, November 8, 2020

The Grilled Cheese Sandwich

It was not all that uncommon to have a snack in the evening. I always loved bread and ate wonder bread slices as a snack during the day as a youngster. Once in college, the grilled cheese sandwich became a more sophisticated favorite - two slices of white bread and one slice of American cheese. And of course, if that got boring, then it was three slices of wonder bread. Two of them were meant for grape jelly and the third was for peanut butter. And they would be eaten in the order of jelly, peanut butter, and jelly. Those habits ended a long time ago. However, in the last several months a lot of things have changed - including my desire for grilled cheese. At least it’s not a daily affair! So last night I was just feeling hungry. I know I shouldn’t do it, but I got out the two slices of wonder bread and one slice of American cheese. Instead of using butter - something we stopped using many years ago - a small bit of olive oil was poured in to the pan. I don’t remember the exact amount of minutes per side, so I checked frequently so the sandwich wouldn’t overcook. It did anyway, but the joy of eating it reminded me of the past. It’s the little things that we remember - and the grilled cheese sandwich was one of them. It could be classified as a comfort food and I hope it doesn’t become a habit. It tasted soooooo good. 

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