Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Lensable Was a Disappointment

I thought it was a great idea. My husband had cataract surgery in Feb/Mar but still needs glasses to read. We’ve been through having glasses all over the place, hanging them around the neck, etc. It’s a royal pain. Since he loved his old regular glasses frames, I searched for mail in places that could put in a bifocal lens with no prescription on the top and 2.00 on the bottom. I found Lensable and ordered up a pair after checking to make sure his frames could be accommodated. Lensable had great reviews and was a great process. They shipped a mailer box to us and we sent the glasses back. Shortly thereafter we got a message that the frames could not be used and we would need to pay $25 to have them shipped back. It was very disappointing, but I told them I was informed the glasses would work - which is why I proceeded with the order in the first place. I sent along the note I had received that stated such. They agreed, and sent back the glasses without the charge and the promise of a full refund. Because we haven’t been inside a store since March, we could always take the glasses back to where we originally got them and make the same request. The difference was Lensable was very reasonable compared to the prices paid at the optical shop. So I ended up ordering another cheap bifocal from Amazon. One pair already broke at the nose piece while a mask was being removed. At least these glasses stay on most of the day, are titanium and light, but the bifocal line can be seen. My husband has great distance and intermediate vision. What good does that do when he reads most of the day? I may take a different option if and when I need cataract surgery. If the idea was to get out of wearing glasses, it failed. 

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