Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Corner Bakery Cafe

We oftentimes will stop "on the road" when we walk in the morning. We either don't feel like preparing something when we get home, or we just like to break up the routine. We have tried a few places inside Union Station, and also most of the Smithsonian Museums. But when you are in the mood for breakfast rather than lunch, we have also tried a couple of places off the beaten path. Today we needed to be available for a package delivery for someone in our building who wouldn't be at home. So rather than drive somewhere for lunch  - another option we take a couple times during the week - we decided to find something in the neighborhood. So we walked towards Union Station and ventured over to the Corner Bakery. We tried it one time before. My husband loves to sit and watch all the passersby as they are hustling off to work. So we ordered some eggs and pancakes and orange juice and found a seat out of the direct sunlight. The food was delivered to the table. It was "okay." Then we took a longer than usual walk back home but got back well before noon. Hopefully we didn't miss the package as no one ever delivers anything in the morning. We said we would be available. Perhaps I should have mentioned in the afternoon?

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