Friday, September 20, 2013

Nelson Mandela Statue in front of South African Embassy

It was a beautiful day for a drive and a lunch date, so my husband and I thought we would go to Cafe Deluxe on Wisconsin Avenue. I have noticed every time we pass that way the renovation of the South African Embassy that was supposed to open in spring of this year. Well, it's almost fall and it's still not open - but that would not be unusual around here. But now in front of the building is the covered statue of Nelson Mandela that was erected yesterday. There is a ceremony to be held tomorrow to dedicate the statue by those in the city who are close to it's history. The bleachers have been set up, and there are a lot of last minute preparations underway. We returned home back down Wisconsin Avenue to Massachusetts Avenue, where a number of embassies line the street on either side. We attended an event at the Irish Embassy last year. All I have to say is that it is a lot more impressive from the outside looking in rather than the other way around. 

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