Monday, September 4, 2017

Safety Hazard - Taping Down Area Rugs

I am a big fan of staying safe. And when it comes to area rugs, they are one of the biggest safety hazards in any home. Tripping on one of those can land you in the hospital. It was one of the earliest things I learned when we had our public health nursing rotation in nursing school so many years ago. So when we recently removed the wall to wall carpeting in our bedroom, the Persian carpet became a safety hazard. So I did to it what I've done to every other area rug in the house. I got out the carpet tape and made sure every side of it was anchored to the floor. It could become an even worse case scenario at night when we invariably get up to head to the bathroom. So while I was at it I checked all the other loose rugs in all the rooms. My very large roll of tape is almost all used up. I do have a non skid pad under one of the smaller rugs, but the tape gives me a lot more confidence. All I can say is that it is better to be safe than sorry. I don't want to learn that lesson from personal experience.

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