Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Daylight Savings Tough in Subaru Forester

We love our Subaru Forester. But twice a year we go through hell trying to figure out how to change the clock. It is definitely not automatic! And it is NOT intuitive. So it stays unchanged for a few weeks until we have enough patience to get through it. First I need to find a written or video tutorial that explains the entire process - and there are several versions to pick from because it is such a problem! Then we keep reminding each other that we need to reset the clock and then keep forgetting about it. So last week we finally remembered and it always takes several tries. This is the best reason not to have daylight savings. Then for whatever reason today, my husband’s favorite clock was unset because we lost power and needed to flip the fuse to get the power back on. That meant I had to figure out - again - how to reset the time and date on that awful thing. I finally got it set to atomic clock last time so it had automatically switched itself this go round. Luckily I got it right on the third try, but won’t know until tomorrow if it’s really right! This clock also has a weather meter that changes color based on the conditions outside. But, if the battery runs out in the gadget that sits in the window sill outside it’s a pain to reset that mechanism. All I can say is at least in this house there are only a few clocks that require manual changes. In the Midwest we had so many more to set. But for obvious reasons it’s still a big pain in the neck. 

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