Tuesday, November 27, 2018

iRobot Braava jet 240 Mopping Robot

I don’t know anyone who likes cleaning floors, but I know someone who likes gadgets - me. Putting those two things together = iRobot Braava jet 240 Mopping Robot. I searched the internet for the best floor cleaner and read the reviews on Amazon. The unit arrived with a rechargeable battery pack, and six cleaning pads - two each for dry, damp, and wet mop. There is also an app that manages the critter. After reading the instructions, I decided to try a wet mop out on two bathrooms, the kitchen, and under the bed. So I moved away the rugs and paraphernalia, attached the wet pad, filled the tank with warm water, placed the jet on the floor, pushed the clean button and watched it go to work. It is amazing how the mop finds its way around the tightest of spaces and around chair legs. It actually did a decent job. You just release the dirty pad directly in to the garbage and empty the water tank when you’re done and recharge the battery. Next time I’ll try the damp mop on the wood floors. You can set up a “virtual barrier wall” to keep the unit contained in a specific area, or to break up a larger space in to smaller parts. You do need to have the mop head pads on hand. But for our money we think it’s worth it. 

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