Wednesday, August 28, 2019

A Walk in the Woods Here and There

We visited with our family over the weekend. They live about four hours away. Having lived in DC for the last thirteen years, it’s a treat to head southwest. Once we pass Charlottesville, things change to a more rural environment. We thought about moving to this area but decided we needed to be closer to the city - although the only reason we go there lately is for doctor, dental and haircut appointments and the occasional Library of Congress program. We are not for the “great outdoors” - hiking, camping, fishing, canoeing and all that are not on our radar screen. Copperheads, bear, and other wild creatures are only good to read about. But once in a while it’s a nice reminder to explore nature - during the day time. There, it’s down by the Janes River. Here, it’s the Central Park that is just a couple of blocks from our house. It feels like the wilderness, but still in the city - more my style! It seems so strange to us because we just aren’t used to it. I do like watching the birds and observing the seasons as they change. It’s also a great photo opportunity. Leaving the big city for northern Virginia wasn’t a difficult decision for me. Being close enough to it, and the wilderness feels just right. 

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