Monday, June 27, 2022

Woodland Flowers

It was going to rain this morning but we thought we would have enough time to beat it. So we drove the car over to the neighborhood park for our morning walk. There seemed to be more folks out and about than usual - probably trying to beat the rain too. Because it was more cloudy than sunny the park took on a whole different vibe. We thought we saw a fox up ahead on the path. It kept staring at us and then jumped in to the brush. We haven’t seen any deer for awhile and we spotted two. Maybe they all like the rainy weather more. The hawk was making its usual noise above us. But what got my attention today were the wild flowers that just looked so pretty against the greenery. Even the smallest ones looked majestic - one looking like a tiny orange orchid. And there were berries. We’ve seen a few people pick and eat them along the way. I wouldn’t be so brave. On the way back to the car the planted gardens around the community library were filled with coneflowers. We used to have them in our Midwest garden. There’s just something about flowers - no matter where they are. 

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