Friday, May 10, 2024

52Frames Trending Photo

I belong to the 52Frames weekly photo challenge. It’s a great way to plan morning walks around specific subject matter, and has kept me occupied for three years. I always like to post the images on X, Instagram and my Facebook business page. Every once in a while my photos have been selected as one of 52 that are chosen out of 2500-3000 plus entries that meet whatever criteria that is used. 52Frames is also a social media website where you like and comment on other entries, and many comment back - from all over the world. Last week someone from England mentioned that my photo was “trending” which is why she looked at it. I asked her what she meant by that. Apparently on the official website not only are the photos that are selected by Instagram are highlighted, three images that for whatever reason are noted as “trending” - based on number of likes or comments? You aren’t notified if your photo is trending, but now I need to keep the main page  open to look at it at least once a day. I saw someone I know and mentioned it to them. It’s another way to stay in touch but it’s also nice to be recognized for your work - for whatever the reason. So that makes two weeks in a row - last week and then again this week. I hope the streak continues! 

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