Tuesday, May 28, 2024

52Frames Details Weekly Photo Challenge

The subject for the 52Frames photo challenge this week was “details.” And the textile exhibit at the National Gallery of Art had a piece that caught my eye the week before. So we went back to take more photos of it. I liked the color and the overall appearance. It reminded me of the old macrame rope stuff I used to do. I wanted to create a composite - even though the solid black backdrop really made the details pop. I had an old photo of a wall in front of the Natural History Museum that had complimentary colors in it. That would become the backdrop for the textile - because the wall itself was detailed as well. But in order to give the garment a bit of depth a duplicate was created which suggested a slight shadow. I also tried several other duplicates against solid backgrounds. I can never decide which photo looks the best so I always follow my husband’s recommendation - even though I don’t always agree. I really enjoy creating composite images like this because it’s so much more than just taking a photo and editing it. This becomes a project and it’s a lot more fun. And I really appreciate all of the kind words I get from people all over the world. 

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