Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Tornado Watch

When we lived in the Midwest we had a run in with a tornado - luckily it was of no significance. But whenever the tornado warnings and watches are issued across the tv and texted and otherwise I would be the first one to take notice. I am not a fan of vicious weather. I hate rain and thunderstorms and lightning and thunder and hurricanes. You can take the snow and the ice and the storms and the blizzards. Some people love them. I don’t. Where we live now is not exactly considered tornado alley, but it seems the weather has become more onerous as of late and unlike what we are familiar with. It’s beginning to feel more like Florida with thunderstorms and torrential rain. So when the tornado watch was issued on Memorial Day until eleven PM, I was on high alert. Luckily we have a west sky view so you at least have an idea what might be coming your way. It’s lovely to watch the sunsets from our balcony, but also a great place to keep an eye on what’s going on. It looked to be like the real deal for a while and was a bit uncomfortable. Luckily it passed without incident. At least we don’t purposefully live somewhere where the likelihood is high for a bad outcome. And that suits me just fine. 

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