Friday, May 24, 2024

Hirshhorn Revolutions Exhibit

Anytime there is a new exhibit at the Hirshhorn Museum we try to make an attempt to visit. For those displays that require passes or tickets we rarely go to those. That’s because we go when we feel like - usually in the morning for a walk. And that’s what happened a couple of weeks ago when we drove in to town. After passing through the “ag on the mall” tractors and combines, we headed to the Hirshhorn. First we passed through the Smithsonian Castle and Mary Livingston gardens. There are always beautiful flowers and colors happening there. Then we took the elevator up to the exhibit. It was fairly busy and it was a great opportunity to see some of the treasures of the Hirshhorn from 1880-1980. There were a couple of pieces that we really liked - especially some of the quirky art of interesting people. I was also on the look out for a photo option for the weekly challenge but didn’t have any luck. So most of the photos were good for this blog. Between the Hirshhorn and the National Gallery of Art it’s always such a great opportunity to step inside whenever we are on the mall. It’s one of the reasons my husband loves being so close to town. 

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