Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Five Top High School Students

I went to an all girls Catholic high school. What was odd about it was that the all boys high school was just down the street. Soon after I graduated the schools were combined - which always made sense since we shared a lot of activities and attended the sports venues as one high school.  I’m a follower on the instagram and LinkedIn pages, and found once again this year something that sticks out like a sore thumb. The top five senior students were showcased now that graduation time is here. And as was the same as last year, they are all girls - not one boy to be found. You would think that it was an all girls high school again based on that. And the intended majors are biology, chemistry, engineering, and psychology - with the majority going to the University of Florida. When I was in high school I was on the college bound track and thought in general our education was good even though I struggled. Having had little success with science and math I never dreamed I would end up in nursing because I was so interested in history and art. But it was the seventies and nursing seems like a great opportunity to find employment. How things have changed and yet they really haven’t. I’m proud to see that the top five students are young women. But - what is happening with the boys? 

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