Thursday, May 30, 2024

Ducks and Ducklings at the Capitol Reflecting Pool

It was soooo busy in DC today. Apparently the tourists and visitors exceed the number from before the pandemic. There were hoards of buses and huge groups. I hate it when it gets this busy - my husband loves it. I try to avoid the city near the weekend. Wednesday is usually the best day to visit when the crowds are around. But for whatever reason we couldn’t make it until today. And we try to drive in at least once a week for a change of scenery and enjoy our old neighborhood. We parked right in front of our old condo when we couldn’t find any street parking along the mall. I didn’t need to get any specific photos for the weekly photo challenge because I already had some options.  So we were just in the mood for a morning walk. Congress must be out because the streets around the Capitol were quiet. But one area wasn’t as quiet - the Capitol reflecting pond. The ducks and the ducklings were everywhere and they were capturing the attention of all of the passersby. This is the busiest time of year to observe the babies and their guardians and it’s always fun to watch the feathered friends. After that we walked to the botanic garden and then headed back to the car. I can’t tell you how many times we walked this way over the last almost eighteen years of living here. There is always something to see and we are able to still enjoy it. 

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