Wednesday, May 22, 2024

How About a Filet?

A couple of months ago we had an urge to get steak. We rarely eat it and never make it at home. The last time we had it was for an after Christmas celebration in 2022 at the local steak place. We picked two pieces up and weren’t terribly impressed. This week at the grocery store the meat counter was calling to us after we got some shrimp. We usually get shrimp or salmon every week but thought we could try a filet. We got an eight ounce piece cut in two for twenty-two dollars - which is quite ridiculous but definitely cheaper than at a restaurant. Last night we made baked potatoes in one air fryer and cooked the steak in the second air fryer. We seasoned it with garlic salt and olive oil. What I always liked most about steak was the charbroil and butter it sat in - but we haven’t eaten butter for centuries. My husband cooked up some onions and peppers. Both of us were really looking forward to it. But to be honest there just isn’t anything special about it. Without all of the forbidden accompaniments - like fried onion rings and such - it’s just all rather bland. And I never use salt. I’m glad we tried it - and it really looked good at the meat counter and on our plates. We are just are not in to meat that much. 

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