Saturday, May 25, 2024

Stumpy Is Gone!

It’s official. Stumpy is gone. The little cherry tree that could was removed from the tidal basin yesterday. We knew it was going to happen and now it finally has. I discovered Stumpy long before he became famous. The scraggly little tree would bloom in cherry blossom season even though the base of the trunk was badly eroded. But he came back every year in spite of it. Because of restoration work being done, not only Stumpy, but many cherry trees were removed to repair the basin wall. It floods so badly there that something is finally being done. Luckily I have photos of Stumpy in all seasons since 2018. I even put a collage together and posted it on TeePublic and Redbubble. A few tshirts have been sold in honor of Stumpy. It would be nice if the city commemorated him somehow - aside from the fact that they are supposed to be cloning him and planting the new Stumpies. It’s going to be difficult to walk around the tidal basin for as long as this restoration takes place. All I know is that we will miss Stumpy. 

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