Saturday, May 18, 2024

Ecobulb Weird Light Bulb

Lightbulbs used to be so much simpler. We always had the standard bulbs stored in the closet in case one would go out. I suppose you could say it happened regularly that a light would burn out, but it was easy to switch it out. Since we moved to the new condo five years ago it seems all of the lights are weird. The bulbs are supposed to last many, many years. The light above the bathroom sink went out and I knew it wouldn’t be easy - and I was right. The bulb is quite difficult to even get out and it is a pronged bulb that needs to twist and pop out. It looks strange and I thought we would need to go to the hardware store to find a replacement. That was until I remembered that we had just gone through this with the other fixture at least a year ago. At that time we bought a second replacement bulb thinking if one went out, the second would soon follow. Well, it didn’t soon follow but just happened, but at least we did have the replacement bulb that is supposed to last at least another five years? We rarely purchase backups any more because of the long lifetime - and they would be sitting on the shelf for just as long. Luckily the hardware store is just down the street. I’m reluctant to purchase things like this on Amazon for fear it might be the wrong item. I suppose in the end it’s worth it, but it just doesn’t seem as easy. 

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