Friday, October 11, 2013

The Hawk on the GW Parkway

All along the George Washington Parkway are birds flying around. Every once in a while we actually see an eagle, but it's been awhile. But the nests are very obvious especially when the leaves start to fall. In Wisconsin, we had hawks or falcons and such, and they would devour prey right in front of our living room picture window, that looked out over a large green space with woods at the end of the lot line. If you look up at the light posts along the GW Parkway and just about anywhere else, large birds can be seen sitting in wait for just the right moment. Yesterday we were passing by Reagan Airport, and there was a flock, or mass, of birds, flying in unison. All of a sudden this larger bird came in to view. We knew what he was after, and we were sure he was successful. On the way back, everything was quiet. And it was after lunch. 

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