Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Right Haircut

My mom always believed a good haircut is a must. For as long as I can remember she took us to a hairdresser. I always had shorter hair - probably because it was rather thin with a bit of a wave. I never liked my hair and still don’t regardless of the style. In college it grew quite long only to be cut off in to a shag when I was a senior. Pixies were not uncommon, then there would be some growing out only to be cut off again. For the last many years I wore an asymmetrical pixie/bob. When my hair got really thin I went back to a pixie. During the pandemic I didn’t get a haircut for almost two years. My hair hadn’t been that long for ages. But when you have grey hair you begin to look like a witch. I had to get Bobbie pins and clips to keep it out of my face. And it took forever to dry and was a real nuisance. So when I finally went back for a haircut it would be another very short bob. Then I let it grow a little longer and decided to try a sort of shag style that had longer tendrils in the front and a graduated back. My husband didn’t care for it. He always tells me that my hair detracts from my face when it is longer or “unkempt.” I used to get a haircut every six weeks but now it gets to be every too months or longer since we have not really resumed any prepandemic activity. I was going to ask for a trim, but when I got to the shop I asked for all the shaggy part to be eliminated. So I ended up back with a very short bob. And it feels so short! But rather than feel bad about it I know it will grow out. It’s getting thinner and thinner on top but for now is adequate. My mom ended up wearing wigs and I may have that in my future. At least there are a lot of options out there. I still think about my first hairdresser. He was the best. 

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