Sunday, November 6, 2022

Wearable Gadgets

I love gadgets - I always have. I remember wanting a cash register for Christmas when I was a youngster because if the buttons and the noise. Years later I realized how much I liked anything digital - I learned a lot about tracking and observing trends working in the ICU and cath lab. Then Apple products came around and that took the cake and I never wore a watch again. Later on I looked for would something to help control hot flashes. I stumbled across the Embrwave wearable over three years ago and have been wearing the heating/cooling unit on my left wrist ever since. It is especially helpful during the night when I have trouble falling asleep. Last week I got my first Apple Watch. I never saw the need before but was curious about all of the cardiac features - especially since I have a very strong family history. I really like it a lot. It almost makes me feel more at ease knowing it can pick up irregular heart rates and also shows sleep cycles and tons of other features that I haven’t figured out yet - but I love exploring it all. So I wear the watch on my left wrist and the Embr wave on my right. Too bad the two devices couldn’t be combined. I still have to enter my blood pressure readings in manually to get a complete health summary. Then there’s the Hinge Health app that uses sensors to see how you are doing with exercise. You strap on the sensors and follow along on the app during the exercise program that is developed for you based on your major complaint - a free program through our health insurance. All of these things serve as great reminders to do things, keep you comfortable both mentally and physically, and offer encouragement to get moving or congratulate you for moving. It’s also a great record to bring to the doctor for an annual visit. I’m not sure what else will become available but I’m happy to try them out. I’m sure a lot of people couldn’t be bothered by any of it. But I am feeling more comfortable because of them. 

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