Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Apple IOS Updates

It’s so nice having digital devices. They do make life a lot easier most of the time. Since I am the technical person in our house, it can sometimes get overwhelming. I’m not really a technical person. I just happened to use a lot of technical equipment both as a nurse in the rudimentary stages of ICU sand cardiac cat lab gadgets, but later on as a nursing administrator, finance support person, and an infrastructure support person at the Library of Congress. We were one of the first - if not the first - hospitals to implement an automated documentation system and I was responsible for the project way back in 1988! It really helped to stay up to date on the latest technologies both in a clinical and an office setting. But there was always an IT support number you could call for help. Now that I’m retired and have no IT support number to call I need to update all of our gadgets when there is an IOS update, set up a new device, or trouble shoot whenever there is a problem. Plus I’ve learned to do digital art on my iPad - all on my own without help from anyone or training session. We no longer have a laptop which I used for some things I couldn’t do on an iPad. Unfortunately I can no longer update my Amazon Merch site without it. Amazon is not mobile device friendly. So yesterday when the newest apple IOS update was released, I had to update all of our Apple devices - my IPad, my husband’s iPad and phone, my phone and my last phone that my husband should be using but isn’t, and now my Apple Watch. It usually goes without a hitch but it can just be annoying. I’m just glad I can usually figure out what to do - with a lot of luck. 

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