Saturday, June 2, 2012


After a six + hour flight from Dulles to Heathrow we arrived in London
to visit a friend of my husband. The reports about long waits in the
passport check area are correct, but could have been worse. This
journey incidentally coincides with the Queen's Jubilee celebration.
As a lover of history, Jane Austin, and Masterpiece Classic this will
be interesting. It is the first foreign land I've been to where I can
understand the conversation and did not have to worry about connecting
flights. Once out of the luggage pick up area there was a guest sign
in book to write a note to the Queen and get a little flag to wave
during the festivities. It was not raining and the sun peeked out. It
is odd driving on the left side of the road. There are signs all about
for the upcoming Olympics. We met a wonderful family and are looking
forward to the next few days. How does London compare to DC? I'm not
sure yet but the weather is a good place to start.

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