Sunday, July 23, 2017

A Sunday Morning Walk to Union Station

It poured last night. So this morning, the humidity was 200% - higher than all week. But at least it wasn't in the 90's - yet. When it is as unpleasant and soupy as this, we walk under the shade as much as possible to Union Station. Then we walk in the air conditioned three story building, then head back home under the shade. I always bring a small cold water bottle that keeps my hand cool until it too succumbs to the heat and becomes tepid. The water is essential to have in hand to stay hydrated in this hell! However, in the morning and after the rain, the flowers always look so fresh even in the hottest days of the season. So as we were walking to and from our destination on this typically quiet Sunday, the raindrops on the flowers in the gardens shined in the rising sun. From the hostas to the myrtles it looks like summer has peaked. I'm just glad we have this option available to us. Otherwise, I'm not sure I would venture out. In the Midwest, it was the same - except the snow and ice kept me from going out. Yesterday we walked in the mall at Tyson's after we went for brunch. But it's just not as pleasant as staying the the neighborhood.

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