Friday, July 30, 2021

Storm Damage in the Park

Today we were able to walk along the paths in the park without thinking twice. Yesterday was another story. We lost power from a storm on Wednesday night. Luckily it came back on a few hours later. The rain was fierce and had quite an effect on the trees and the neighborhood. So when we walked over to the park yesterday the damage was quite visible. On the first path a large tree was blocking it, but we were able to get to the other side. One can only imagine what happens to the poor animals and birds at these times. Leaves and branches were strewn everywhere. The water level in the streams must have been substantial - you could see waves of sand - like on the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico - cascading along the walkway. One section had two tennis balls, plastic containers, and debris mixed in it. The high brush along another path was completely flattened out by the waves of water. One can only imagine how it looked as it was happening. Today things were sort of back in order. Cleanly cut trunks and branches were pushed to the side. We missed getting hit by a small falling branch by just a few feet. It landed with a huge thud. I’m not a big fan of any sort of storm. I haven’t changed my mind. 

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