Sunday, February 26, 2023

New Teeth, Haircut, IPad, Earbuds, and iPhone Battery

It was a good week last week for my husband. After six months of fooling around with dental implant preparation, the four front lower teeth were FINALLY done. He’s had single tooth implants before, but they were not in visible places. But for these he needed to have bone grafts, then a cosmetic partial made that didn’t last very long, and a lot of visits to prepare for, then implant the metal bases, and wait for the healing. It’s so wonderful to see he has all of his teeth now! Then he got a haircut. We needed to go to the Apple Store to see if his iPad needed a battery replacement. Since the iPad isn’t like an iPhone, it was near the lower per cent that would require an iPad replacement. Plus his iPad was discharging quickly and was acting up. It was a replacement device that we got exchanged when my mom’s stopped working three years ago. Along with that he just got my old iPhone 8 Plus because his iPhone 6 Plus died. We had never changed batteries on any of our iPhones. And I’m really sorry we didn’t attend to his sooner so we would have a replacement backup. So at the Apple Store his phone needed a new battery and we decided it was time for a replacement iPad. So we exchanged his old one for a similar model and got twenty dollars off because we have a grandson in college. Because there are no longer slots for the old earbuds, he needed to get wireless earbuds so he could listen to his material in the iPad. So last week was a big week for my husband - almost too much going on at once. With every new apple device comes a learning curve and personal setups that take time. But it was all worth it. Let’s hope everything stays in working order - teeth, earbuds, iPhone and iPad. But he will still need to get his hair cut. 

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