Monday, April 18, 2022

52Frames Extreme Closeup

This week’s subject for the photo challenge was “extreme closeup.” For whatever reason I was having difficulty focusing on capturing an appropriate image. We were just at the botanical garden the week before to get a nature image. I thought the flowers would be a good idea for a closeup. There certainly were plenty of tulips outside and the flowers inside were okay. The idea was to get something that fills the frame without any distracting background. Then we walked by the Capitol and I tired a few shots there. I didn’t care for any of them. When we walked in the neighborhood park later in the week the dandelions looked interesting or maybe a green leaf.  But what really got my attention was the indoor miniature roses that my husband has been tending. We bought the plant last year to add some color to the plant console table. He got it to bloom at least once more after the initial bunch. Then the plant hibernated over winter. He’s been tending to it daily since early spring. Based on everything I’ve read it seems these plants are not the easiest to keep blooming - until he did it! So I spent a lot of time taking photos of the tiny blooms, then heavily edited the image to showcase the green stem and the folds and outline of the flower. I’m sure it doesn’t quite meet the definition of “detail,” but I really liked it. I think I liked the idea behind it even more. 

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