Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Subaru Service Confusion - On My Part!

We had just brought the Subaru in for an oil and filter change earlier in the month. Since they weren’t able to check the squeaky brake we had to make another appointment. Since we also had questions about whether to have a major check done as well, I called rather than schedule on line in the event we would need a loaner. After explaining the situation the appointment was made with a loaner and we were set. As usual I wrote the information on the calendar and we received a confirmation email and a text, then another text as a reminder. So when we went this morning to drop off the car several things happened. The guy asked us if we had an appointment and if we wanted a safety inspection. Both my husband and I thought that meant the major check up. What he meant was if we wanted to have the annual safety check required by Virginia law since the sticker said May 22. It would be a month early but would save us another trip. We said ok. When we walked inside, we were flabbergasted when she said our appointment was for yesterday! I have NEVER a made that kind of mistake and was completely embarrassed - especially since we needed a loaner. Luckily she said it was no problem and we could still get the loaner. After signing all the paperwork I just casually asked if the safety check was noted - and it wasn’t. So that was added. Then we needed an orientation on how to drive a keyless car because we keep forgetting about using the brake and pushing the ignition button. The new car feels weird because it feels like it is stalling every time we stop. On the way home we realized that we left our keys with them and we wouldn’t be able to get in to the house (since I don’t carry a purse anymore I don’t carry keys) nor would we be able to park in our condo garage without the fob we left in the car. So we had to drive back to get the keys - but I forgot to ask for the fob. So when we drove back home I had to ask the front desk if they happened to have an extra fob that we could borrow for the day since we didn’t want to leave the loaner car out in the general parking. Begrudgingly they handed one to me. I also forgot to mention at the dealer that we have an extended safety contract with Subaru in the event whatever is being repaired might be covered. So I sent the information via email to the person who had been helping us. I feel so discombobulated and it is very unsettling. Usually my husband watches for the keys - and I even thought about it before we went in. I think we are so out of touch dealing with the real world that we are still thinking like the last two years. I only hope the rest of the day settles down and we are able to pick up the car without another snafu. I’m not good at doing things off schedule. It’s a bit scary. 

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