Friday, April 1, 2022

Tornado Warning

We were just about ready to start playing our evening game on the iPad when the phone alarm went off and a tornado warning was issued. Anything having to do with bad weather makes me very uncomfortable. In Florida we worried about hurricanes - which is one of the main reasons I wouldn’t want to live there again. In the Midwest we had blizzards and terrible snow storms - which was a reason we didn’t want to live there anymore. When we moved to DC sixteen years ago we endured snowstorms - unprecedented amounts of snow that shut down the city for weeks - horrible rain storms and of all things an earthquake! I was working at the time at the library of Congress and the building swayed under me. It was terrifying! Now that we live in northern Virginia it’s not unusual to have severe weather. Unfortunately the power goes out because the lines are above ground. It happened at least three or four times this past winter. Our building has a generator but only for building related areas - not the individual units. So when the alarm went off for a tornado - not once, but twice - I was beside myself. My husband, on the other hand, decided it was a good time to stand on the balcony. We both should have gone to the garage level and waited it out, but I finally got him to join me in the den which is far enough from the windows. We kept the tv on to hear the ongoing commentary about where this thing was headed. It was very uncomfortable and it felt like a long time before it finally passed. I really get unsettled about things like this and it doesn’t look like it’s going to end anytime soon. We were lucky, but it’s scary to be in it. 

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