Sunday, June 7, 2020

Back to Daily Walks - With Masks

We used to walk at least two miles every day - except Saturday - since I retired four years ago. On Saturday we would drive in to northern Virginia from Capitol Hill, have breakfast at McLean Family Restaurant, and go grocery shopping. How things have changed. When we moved to northern Virginia last year, we resumed our same walking pattern. But rather than walk along the Mall, Navy Yard, Yards Park, and Capitol Hill, we found a great little park across the street. If the weather was too hot, too cold, or rainy, we would drive to Tyson’s Mall or galleria to get the walk in. Since March 13, we have stayed in doors. I would try to do a bit of sit ups and leg lifts, etc - but it’s not the same as a good walk. On May 1, we began to venture outside little by little. The big distinction is we now wear face masks because we are in the “at risk” age group and care about everyone we come in contact with. Since the park is typically busier with foot traffic, our walking course has changed to immediately around the neighborhood where it is easy to cross the street to avoid oncoming pedestrians. At first it was really hard getting back to our usual pace and time outside. I would get rather short of breath. But as the days passed, it’s getting much easier. Now it’s starting to get warm - or should I say HOT. It’s tough wearing a face mask in 90+ degrees. We are not in any hurry to go to the mall for walks yet, so that means I will need to wake up earlier to walk earlier since my husband won’t walk at dusk - my favorite time of the day. Unfortunately we haven’t yet reached the 2 mile target. We are only getting in 1.2 or 1.3 miles. At least it’s a start. Just getting out of the house is a good idea. Thank goodness we have a balcony we can sit on - without masks - and enjoy whatever happens to pass by, tend to the “garden” and play games on the iPad in the evening if the weather permits. All in all our life really hasn’t changed that much since this darn pandemic, but it can still be claustrophobic and you can’t really plan anything. We just need to take each day as it comes. What else can you do? 

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