Monday, January 4, 2021

LITs Living on Capitol Hill-Hell Blog is Ten Years Old!

Who would have guessed? Ten years ago I started a blog and really didn’t know what I was doing. All I knew was that we had just moved to Capitol Hill three years earlier, I worked at the Library of Congress, and we lived in a tiny 500 square foot condo. That lifestyle was so very different from our Midwest 1500 square foot home on an acre, a Borzoi pooch, and a suburban lifestyle. It was enough to make interesting comparisons and it just grew from there. Though a lot of the entries have more to do with every day living, the title remains. When I was updating the copyright for the new year it dawned on me that the blog hit a milestone. And for the most part I made an entry every day of the week - whether we were at home or on vacation or just away for the day. Since everything is digital I can update it quite easily - even when we were overseas. And of course there were always so many events and oddities occurring in town there was never a lack of subject matter. Even though we moved to northern Virginia almost two years ago we still go in to town at least once a week. Unfortunately we aren’t able to attend the library programs like we used to, but I still love taking photos as they are a huge part of this process. I also check the stats and have people checking my blog from all over the world. It’s also a history of my life - sort of like a diary - filled with memories and feelings and photos. Especially at Thai time it is another way to stay occupied and active. So thank you to those for reading my entries. It’s as fun to write as it is to read - ten years later. 

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