Saturday, March 6, 2021

Hawk and Deer

We haven’t seen a lot of animals and birds in the park for a while. I wouldn’t show myself either with all the cold and cloudy days. When we went for our morning walk a couple of days ago, there was a large bird sitting next to the library. Upon closer inspection, it was a curious hawk. It allowed us to get quite close. The next day we stumbled upon him again in the same place. So we wondered if he was protecting a nest, or just found a great place for some food. We walked pretty close to him until he flew off. The people inside of the library have a great view through the windows. After seeing him the second time I wondered if he might attempt to dive bomb us - maybe we should keep a bigger distance. When we were walking back along our usual path we ran in to a pack of deer that froze when they saw us. They were crossing over to the other side of the stream. It was near the spot where a bunch of crows were chowing down on a fallen brethren a few weeks back. So we stared at each other for a while until we decided it was time to leave them alone. And then we reached the same place near the library and the hawk was in the same spot. I find it fascinating to watch animals and birds and wish I had a camera with a closer lens. Now that spring is around the corner we may see more creatures. Last year we ran in to a box turtle and a heron, and several woodpeckers. I hope this year is  even more interesting. 

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