Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Morning Walk on the National Mall

It used to be taking a walk on the national mall was an every day affair. Now we have to drive in to town, find parking, and be like any other tourist. Our old neighborhood on Capitol Hill is fenced off and difficult to get to since January, so we have been parking next to the Smithsonian Museums anywhere we can find a spot. Luckily the park mobile app makes it simple. I like to take photos in DC for the weekly 52frames challenge, but I also take taking snapshots of things that are just familiar and good for this photo blog. I was never a photographer per se, I just like taking pictures and my iPhone is my camera. I’d love to have a telephoto lens, but I don’t. But when you have a specific subject in mind it really forces you to be a bit creative, and it’s a bit harder to do. But the end result is generally better related to a more artistic approach. There is always something about this morning walk that is nostalgic. If my husband had it his way we would still be living on Capitol Hill. The street parking and 1890’s building with all of it’s associated worries essentially drove us away. But at least we are still close enough - and able - to visit whenever the mood strikes. 

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